I’m still on a high after yesterday’s snatch effort.
Today’s training wasn’t even that great, yet I was still buzzing afterwards.
24/4/13 AM
6×2 1&1/4 Front Squats
1 set @110kg
2 sets @120kg
3 sets @130kg
3x 1 clean pull, 1 power clean, 1 high-hang full clean, 1 jerk
90kg, 100kg, 110kg
2 high-hang cleans 1 jerk @100kg (focus on speed)
4 rounds for total time:
12 deficit HSPU (about 5-6″)
15 t0es to bar
400m run
rest 1:1 between rounds
(kept all HSPU and TTB unbroken… LIKE A BAAAWWWSSS)
5min AMRAP
15m 95kg sled drag down hill
15m 95kg sled drag up hill
Followed immediately by a ME set of muscle ups (9 reps)
24/4/13 PM
4×3 clean first pulls @140kg
200m row
5 muscle ups
Muscle ups are coming along really well. Having a big space to swing and land higher in the rings is a massive help. Front squats are feeling super solid, although my legs are pretty beat up from yesterdays WOD.
Sled pulls were seriously fucked up. Up hill made me wanna cry, vomit, scream and give up all at once. I did none of those though thanks god.
Keen to hit Filthy 50 for the first time tomorrow morning… If I can walk