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Globo Gym Super Session ft Stu Cooke and Guy Lawrence


Yesterday was a loooooooooong day.

Learnt stuff, did stuff but spent the majority of the day refreshing the Fit Bloke leader board.

Did get a session in at the 24/7 gym next to our hotel though.


With a constantly running clock

0:00 – 10:00
3 rounds
6 Front Squats @100kg
Rest remainder of 10 minutes

10:00 – 20:00
10 min to establish a 1rm power clean
Hit 120kg for 2 (no belt/straps and in nanos)

20:00 – 30:00
Every minute on the minute x10min
Even: 5 Burpees
Odd: 5 Dumbbell thrusters @35kg bells

30:00 – 40:00
10min to establish a 5rm bench press
Hit 100kg then 2 reps at 110kg, nice to bench again, it’s only been about a year haha

40:00 – 50:00
Every minute on the minute x10min
Even: 7 Strict pull ups
Odd: 7 Strict toes to bar

50:00 – 60:00
2 rounds
500m row
25 swings @32kg

Was very tired after this and ate a huge plate of Greek food in a trendy little part of Brisbane. Then went to a boutique beer bar and had two exotic dancers (on their night off I should add) make it quite clear they wanted to have sex with me, assumably at the same time. I declined.

A good day I think.

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