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Road to Regionals


I qualified for the CrossFit Games Australian Regionals


Now I once again have reason to eloquently document the grunts and groans of my life beneath the barbell as I blog my training over the next few weeks.

My final ranking after my first shot at the world wide Open was 25th out of about 6000 odd men in the Australia/New Zealand region. Needless to say I am rather chuffed with myself.

But it means I will be working my ass double time for the next 6 weeks and so I’ve decided,  purely for self indulgent purposes, (and to perhaps inspire those you of you out there looking to qualify some day) to keep a training log here on my old freelancer website.

And so without further adieu I give you

15/4/13 AM

Snatch: 2 reps touch and go at: 80, 85, 85, 85, 90 (no belt… Like a BAWSSS)

Snatch Pull: 5×3 @115kg

Tempo Back Squat: 5×2 reps (with a 5 second pause at the bottom of each rep) @140kg

12min AMRAP:

7 hang cleans @80kg

14 burpees

21 over the box jumps

Then (5 hours later)

14/4/13 PM


500m row

20 unbroken toes to bar

(rest 2min between sets)

3x 5/5 Turkish get ups

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